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Image by Andrew Kliatskyi


John Belham-Payne, RIP

The Doreen Valiente Foundation (DVF) is eternally grateful to John and his wife, and fellow co-founder, Julie Belham-Payne, for founding the DVF on 6th March 2011 as a charitable trust which took legal possession of Doreen’s vast collection of manuscripts and magical artefacts to prevent it from being split up, sold off, or exploited for the gain of any individual.


John worked tirelessly to raise funds to protect and care for Doreen’s collection, host research visits, and present educational talks and lectures. John’s enthusiasm to find a “permanent home” for the collection remains a key priority for the charity because it will provide a platform for Wiccans and Witches, researchers and scholars, authors and historians, and the curious, to visit and enjoy the collection now and forever.

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